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Are you feeling like your health is slipping away, and you're struggling to regain control?

Start Today

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Does this sound familiar?

You've got a lot going on and the added stress around how to address your health is leaving you feeling more stressed and anxious

You 're feeling frustrated and tired as you deal with persistent changes in your health

You're overwhelmed by all of the conflicting health information out there

You've been trying to figure it out on your own but you don't have the support needed to be successful

You keep putting your wellbeing last on your long list of priorities

You're ready to feel better and take charge of your health in a sustainable way that doesn't require radical changes or too much time

More guilt, frustration and shame

If you’re nodding along as you read this, I totally get it! I’ve been where you are, and I know that there’s a better way.

Take this as your sign to make a change

staying on this path can lead to:

Missing out on life's joys


Chronic stress and fatigue


A cycle of failed attempts to improve your health

Unwanted weight gain

Introducing the Total health reset 90-day 1:1 Coaching Program.

Let's get you feeling like yourself again! 

Let’s go, I’m ready!

You’ll transform from feeling frustrated, overwhelmed, and alone to empowered, energized, and thriving.

In this program, I'll show you how to regain control of your health and make lasting, positive changes. 

And we’ll tailor the program to your needs, to make sure you get long-term sustainable results! 

Less stress

Better sleep

Increased energy

Increased confidence

Better mood

You can expect:  

Weight loss

We focus on: 

why this program is different

2. Personalized support & Accountability for long-lasting results

Instead of focusing on restrictive diets, the emphasis is on sustainable lifestyle changes that lead to a healthier, more enjoyable way of living. You’ll learn how to make small, impactful adjustments that support weight loss and overall well-being, without sacrificing the joys of life or taking hours out of your week.

We dive deep into the 4 key pillars of health to help you reach your goals: 



Stress Management


1. Sustainable weight loss through lifestyle change

The program is tailored to your unique needs, ensuring you achieve long-lasting results and enjoy a sustainable, healthy lifestyle. You get the one-on-one support you need to be successful. 

Let’s work together

By the end of the program, you'll move from feeling stuck to empowered and in control of your health, ready to thrive in all areas of your life!

Develop a Personalized Health Plan: create clear, aligned action steps towards your health goals.

Create Long-Lasting Habits: Make small, impactful changes in the four key pillars of health.

IN THE 90-Day Total health reset ONE-ON-ONE COACHING PROGRAM, you'll:

Build a Solid Foundation: take charge of your mindset, reclaim your time & your energy, and integrate self-care into your regular routine.

What's Included:

Get Started

Workbooks & Tools: Practical resources to support your journey

Short Video Recordings: Easy-to-follow videos to guide you

Personalized Goal Setting and Action Plan: Clear steps to achieve your health goals

Integration and Support: Ongoing guidance to ensure you stay on track

Accountability: Regular check-ins to keep you motivated

1:1 Weekly Coaching Calls: 45-Minute Zoom sessions tailored to your needs

Unlimited Voxer access to me (voice messaging + texting) for the duration of the program for extra support!


I know all too well what it’s like for life to get in the way of my health.

I was a busy medical student juggling all of my responsibilities when I started losing my hair, had difficulty sleeping, suffered from low energy, was anxious and unwell.

It took me many years to realize that prioritizing my health and wellbeing was not selfish. In fact, it was crucial if I wanted to continue practicing as a doctor.

After reaching a breaking point at the end of my medical training, I decided I had to make some changes. I found a way to take care of myself while also building a family and a career.

I now have a wonderful life as a mom of three little ones, a medical doctor and a wellness coach, where I continue to prioritize my wellbeing so that I can thrive!

I get it. In a culture that glorifies busyness, sacrifice and hustle, it can be hard to take time for yourself and to make your health a priority. 

Which is why I’ve made it my mission to empower busy women like you to prioritize their health, take control of their stress, feel energized and thrive!

Hi I’m Valerie.


You aren’t ready to invest in yourself and your wellbeing

You’re looking for a quick fix

You want a one-size fits all approach to health and wellness

You’re not ready to put it in some time and effort


You want to work with someone you trust

You’re looking for one-on-one support to keep you accountable and on track.

You want a comprehensive program that works long-term

You’re motivated and ready to make changes to improve your health


"When I started working with Valerie, I was looking to find a way to actually enjoy exercise and do it consistently as well as learn how to eat healthier for MY body to feel good. I was so tired of trying to figure it all out on my own! Google + advice from others was so conflicting and I really just wanted to learn what I needed to do for me specifically.

By the end of our time together, eating nutritiously has become a normal and enjoyable part of my life! I have more energy and know what to eat every day to feel good. I save so much time (and money!) by knowing what to shop for and how to use the food I have. I used to use so much energy on feeding my kids and making different meals for everyone, but Val helped me streamline dinner time and showed me how to remove the things that were exhausting me. It's completely changed our family dynamic!

I also learned how to create fitness goals that actually work for me and that I can stick to (a first in 20+ years of trying!). I've learned just how much of it was my mindset and have been using that to keep me accountable when I just want to throw in the towel.

I would 100% recommend Valerie for anyone looking to work on anything they feel stuck on in their lifestyle. If you think you've tried everything and just keep failing Val can help guide you! Her knowledge, experience, kindness and accountability are just a few of the reasons that make her such an amazing person to have with you on your health journey. I know I couldn't have DIY'd what I learned with her in just 12 weeks. She's amazing! 10/10 recommend reaching out to her if you want to level up your health and wellness."


Ready to feel good in your body again? 

Let’s work together

Book your free discovery call!


There are a lot of health coaches out there. Why should I work with you?

There are a lot of health coaches out there. Why should I work with you?

What makes me unique is my background and approach. I’m a medical doctor with extra knowledge in lifestyle medicine, preventive health, nutrition and yoga. I’m passionate about health and wellness, practice what I preach, and love to help others reach their health goals! My program is action-based, tailored to you and your needs, and focused on long-term sustainable results. 

What is the time commitment needed to do your program?


It’s really up to you how much time you want to commit! The program is 12 weeks long, and you’ll get the most out of the program if you fully go all in. The weekly coaching calls are 45 minutes, and I recommend that you spend about 2 hours per week going through the materials and working on your goals. While it’s an investment at the beginning, in the long run you’ll be saving time by having a specific plan and knowing exactly what you need to do to improve your health. You’ll also have more energy to get more done in less time! 

Will you be providing any Video or written resources?

Will you be providing any written resources?

Yes! Short video recordings (less than 15 minutes per section) and accompanying workbooks are included. The materials are meant to teach you what you need to know in the shortest amount of time possible, and help you take specific impactful action. 

When is payment due? And are payment plans available?

When is payment due? And are payment plans available?

Payment is due once you decide to go ahead with the program, after the discovery call. At that time I’ll send you all the information you need to get started! If you require a payment plan, please contact me to discuss your needs. 

What if I can’t complete the 12 weeks? Do you offer refunds?

What if I can’t complete the 12 weeks? Do you offer refunds?

Because of the nature of the services provided (one-on-one coaching), there are no refunds. However, if you cannot complete the program or if there are any unforeseen circumstances, I’m happy to discuss with you possible next steps and accomodations.

What if I’m not sure?


Book your free discovery call! That’s when we’ll discuss the program further and see if we’re the right fit to work with each other. I’m also happy to answer any additional questions you might have.